luns, 10 de abril de 2023


Durante estes días recibimos a visita de tres profesoras italianas da Scuola Istituto comprensivo di Valle da Lugagnano de Arda, que están no noso centro realizando un Job shadowing para coñecer como traballamos e aprender e compartir experiencias.

Su programa de Job Shadowing :
DAY 1: Introduction to school and observation of learning environments. Observation of teaching methodologies in kindergarten.
DAY 2: Observation of teaching methodologies in the first cycle.
DAY 3: Observation of teaching methodologies in the second cycle.
DAY 4: Observation of teaching methodologies in the third cycle.
DAY 5: Teaching methodologies, learning environments in the school and final debriefing.

Estiveron moi contentas no noso centro e así nos agradereron a súa visita:

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